VULNERABLE – Roberto Olivan
Sabato 18 aprile ore 21.00
Domenica 19 aprile ore 17.00
C’è chi prova a mostrarsi invulnerabile per proteggersi o per mostrarsi infallibile, ma curiosamente è ciò che meno funziona. Chi non mostra la propria invulnerabilità davanti a nessuna circostanza è come se non permettesse alla propria essenza di mostrarsi per quello che è, oltre la corazza. E ciò che la persona mi concede di vedere, è il punto in cui posso entrare in contatto con essa, quello in cui posso arrivare ad identificarmi col suo lato umano, creando un ponte intangibile di connessione tra gli individui. Essere vulnerabili semplicemente è ammettere che siamo essere umani. Anzi, credo che sia un atto di forza, di coraggio.
This international creator started his training at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona and P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels. The Belgian capital was the key point in the strengthening of his artistic career. He took his first steps as a professional dancer at Rosas dance company, directed by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. He also performed under the direction of renowned directors such as Robert Wilson, Tom Jansen and Josse de Pauw.
Currently, Roberto is the director of the dance company R.O.P.A. – Roberto Olivan Performing Arts. The company was created in Brussels in 2001. He also is the artistic director and founder of the Festival Deltebre Dansa, an international event that has taken place annually since 2004.
Olivan creates commissioned works for dance companies, universities, dance institutions and schools all over the world. His career has been very versatile. In recent years, he has been teaching at workshops around the world and has worked as a choreographer and performer in the film industry.
He has been the artistic director of important cultural events and on the jury at dance competitions. Olivan has also participated in dance sectoral meetings held by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Catalonia and he is a member of the Advisory Council for Culture in Terres de l’Ebre region, also overseen by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Catalonia.
His career has been recognised all over the world. He has received the following awards: EFFE AWARD 2019-2010 for the creation of Festival Deltebre Dansa (Belgium), Premi Nacional de Cultura 2014 (Catalonia, Spain), Ciutat de Barcelona 2013 (Catalonia, Spain), Sebastià Gasch FAD Awards Of Paratheatrical Arts 2012 (Catalonia, Spain), Prix SACD de la Création Chorégraphique 2001 from the Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques (Belgium) as well as several other prize nominations.